Radon is a radioactive gas with no odor or taste produced by the decay of naturally occurring Uranium found under the surface of the Earth. Radon makes its way to the surface, where it can be inhaled by humans and animals, through small openings and pathways in the soil. It can also exist in water, though the gaseous form is more concerning. The most common isotope of Radon is Radon-222, and is therefore the isotope most tests measure for.
Yes, Radon is dangerous. Since it is radioactive, it can cause serious harm to the cells that make up our bodies. It is most harmful to our lungs because it is gaseous and inhaled. Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States behind tobacco smoking.
The best way to protect yourself and your family from Radon is by frequently testing your home for it and, if necessary, by installing a mitigation system in your home that will significantly reduce the level of Radon indoors. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set a mitigation action level of 4.0 pCi/L. Some homeowners choose to mitigate at a concentration that is lower than the action level.
CJCtech offers short term and long term residential Radon measurement testing. A certified Radon Measurement Specialist will come to your home and place either an activated charcoal canister or a Continuous Radon Monitor in an out of the way spot in one room to measure the concentration of Radon in your home. Once the testing period has elapsed, the specialist will return to your home to retrieve the measurement device. The measurement device will then be analyzed and the test results will be reported directly to you via email.
CJCtech, LLC. Registration Number = NRSB1251 (National Radon Safety Board)
Christopher Capozzi Certification Number = 24MS021 (National Radon Safety Board)
We are certified in the following states:
New York
pCi/L = picoCurie(s) per liter
Most Radon tests performed in the United States measure Radon in pCi/L.
Action Level = The level at which a homeowner should take action to lower the concentration of Radon in their home.
Short Term Test = A Radon measurement test lasting between two (2) and ninety (90) days.
Long Term Test = A Radon measurement test lasting between ninety-one (91) days and one (1) year.